Thank you for choosing Keramos! We are proud to have been inspiring our customers... both trade and retail.
Once your application has been accepted you will have the ability to sell our exciting and distinctive product ranges to your customers; enabling you to create the premium finish your projects demand.
To apply for a Keramos Trade Account, please complete all the information requested below. Any information missing may result in a delay to your application being processed.
Once your application has been processed and approved we will send a confirmation email:
- Before sending your Dealership application, please carefully read the detailed Terms & Conditions for Dealership please Click Here.
- Please down download Dealer application form please Click Here. You must fill our this application and return it duly stamped and signed, alongwith the necessary attachment for Dealer evaluation.
For further information or assistance please contact
Ravindran - 9810385142
R. Anand - 09818663525